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Writer's pictureMarkku Lang

International school building conference 15.-16.11.2023

At Järvenpää High school, on November 15-16, it will be possible to see a unique coverage of the world's top experts talking about school construction, preparing for a school building project, global learning environment innovations and evaluating the functionality of school buildings.

If your municipality is going, coming, or planning to build a new school, this conference is definitely not to be missed. The conference will give you more skills to plan and evaluate your school building project and also your project's life cycle on a scale of over 50 years.

In the Implementing the “Constructing Education” Framework seminar, you will learn about the successes and failures of European school construction projects, so that you can start your own with a more secure mind. The seminar will discuss the pedagogical possibilities of learning environments in school buildings. Besides the cities of Järvenpää and Espoo, Europe Development Bank (CEB) and European Investment Bank (EIB) are responsible for organizing the seminar.

Kuva: AFKS + Oppimaisema

Implementing the “Constructing Education” Framework; Lessons from Järvenpää, Espoo and Milan


15 November 2023


9.30-9.45 – Welcome and session opening – Merja Narvo-Akkola, Chief of Education Services, City of Järvenpää

9.45-10.05 – The Constructing Education framework and the Pilot Project – Yael Duthilleul, Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) and Silvia Guallar, European Investment Bank (EIB)

10.05-11.05 – Phase 1 – Initial Planning and School Involvement

10.05-10.15 Initial introduction to Phase 1: Planning

Strengths of the education infrastructure planning process in Finland - Reino Tapaninen, Expert

10.15-10.45 Views from the cities and schools

Moderator Silvia Guallar, EIB

- Kaisa Sjövall, Project Planner, Premises Department, Espoo

- Jan Mikkonen, Pedagogical Facility Development Manager, Järvenpää

- Pia Pohjanpalo, Principal JYK school

10.45-10.50 Conclusions and implications – Yael Duthilleul, CEB

10.50-11.05 Q&A

11.05-12.15 – Phases 2 and 3 – Getting Ready and Moving-in

11.05-11.15 Initial introduction to Phase 2 and 3

Surveys and beyond – Pam Woolner, Expert

11.15-11.45 Views from the cities and schools

Moderator Yael Duthilleul, CEB

- Mimmu Hellsten, School Principals’ experience Karhusuo school, Espoo

- Jan Mikkonen, City Officials perspective, Järvenpää

11.45-11.55 Conclusions - Yael Duthilleul, CEB & Pam Woolner

11.55-12.15 Q&A

12.15-13.15 Lunch

13.15-14.45 – Supporting Teachers Transition into Innovative Learning Environments

International Perspectives

Moderator Yael Duthilleul, CEB

13.15-13.35 The Swedish experience supporting teachers’ transitioning to new spaces

- Anneli Frelin, Professor, Gävle University and

- Jan Grannäs, Assoc Professor, University of Gävle

13.35-13.55 Models of professional learning: Developing teachers’ spatial

competencies for effective use of space affordances

- Marian Mahat, Associate Professor, The University of Melbourne

13.55.-14.15 The Milan Case - The action research professional development approach

- Elisabetta Nigris, Professor, University of Milano-Bicocca

14.15-14.45 Q&A

14.45-15.15 Coffee Break

15.15-16.25 – Phase 4: Post Occupancy Evaluation

15.15-15.25: Initial introduction Phase 4

POE tools - what they can offer – Reino Tapaninen, Expert

Moderator Silvia Guallar, EIB

15.25-15.40 The experience of POE at Viscontini school: what was learned about space


- Maria Fianchini, Professor at the Politecnico di Milano – DAStU and

- Franca Zuccoli, Professor at the University of Milano-Bicocca

15.40-15.55 Time-lapse methodology-brief presentation of the tool and its potential

- Markku Lang, Pedagogical Learning Landscape Designer

15.55-16.05 Perspectives from the City and School

- Jan Mikkonen, Pedagogical Facility Development Manager, Järvenpää

- Edry Tarja, Principal, Harjula school

16.05-16.15 Conclusions and implications of POE; Silvia Guallar, EIB

16.15 -16.25 Q&A

16.25-17.00 – Concluding remarks - The way forward

Moderators: Thomas Eriksson, Director, Technical Assessment and Monitoring, CEB

Patricia Castellarnau, Head of the Education and Public Research Division,


- Jarkko Niiranen, Director of the Department for Education, Training and

Competence, Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)

- Kimmo Martinsen, Head of Design Management Unit, City of Espoo

- Silvia Guallar, Education Economist, EIB

- Yael Duthilleul, Principal Education Technical Advisor, CEB

- Merja Narvo-Akkola, Chief of Education Services, City of Järvenpää



16 November 2023

9.30-11.00- School visit JYK Comprehensive school, Järvenpää

Participants will have the opportunity to visit the Järvenpää comprehensive school, one of four schools in the two-town pilot project in Finland. The school visit will take place on Thursday, November 16, from 9:30 to 11:00 am.


You can stay at Hotel Sointu in Järvenpää

To benefit from a pre-negotiated rate, you indicate the following code when booking:

jarvenpaa1hh for a single room at EUR 95 per night

jarvenpaa2hh for a double room at EUR 115 per night

If you need any further information, please, contact:

Pinja Kyllönen:

Yael Duthilleul:


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